Frontline Fund
This summer, we are asking the community to contribute to Fortem’s Frontline Fund. These funds will assist us to extend our current service offering to deliver these vital services to our first responders nationwide.
How you can get involved


Register a team, or join a team and start fundraising for the Frontline Fund.

Help us spread the cause and raise awareness.
About Frontline Fund
As we continue to face compounding disasters this summer season, from floods on the east coast to fires on the west coast, first responders are tasked with keeping our communities safe. Paid and volunteer firefighters, State Emergency Service members, and their first responder colleagues are exhausted and have a long couple of months ahead.
While much work has been done to prepare for bushfires, floods and other disasters, there is still a lot to do. This is where Fortem Australia steps in. We lead Australia in delivering support to first responders and their families, nurturing resilience to boost mental health and wellbeing.
"I feel safer to have these conversations (about my mental health) and confident that I will be well supported from the outside and have a safe space away from both my everyday life and from my work life."
Elisabeth Goh

"Fortem has showed me I have a skillset that is very valuable to the greater community. Learning something new and having a goal to look forward to has increased my strength as a paramedic and has prolonged my career.”
Emma Shawyer

I believe wholeheartedly in their approach, which aligns exactly with what I see, hear and know from the research is needed in the space of first responder health and wellbeing.
Tara, Fire and Rescue NSW